FAQ, frequently asked questions, regarding Nano Energizer

What is Nano Energizer for your car? Consider it medicine. If your car is “ill” with noise, smoking, over consumption of oil or fuel, decrease of power and compression level, the Nano Energizer will “heal” it.

Nano Energizer also works as a preventive agent, so your car does not get “ill” at all. Treatment of car parts will protect your car from serious problems in the future.

Once the new coating is formed as a result of Ceramic Metal Coating process, it retains its unique properties regardless of the Nano Energizer’s presence or absence in the lubricant.

  1. How much is the thickness of the Ceramic Metal layer formed as a result of the process?

The unique quality of Nano Energizer is that it is not coating just about atomic layers, but real microns in the pump element, several hundredths of a mm in the engine cylinder-piston group and several tenths on gears.

  1. Is there a risk of Ceramic Metal layer growing in excess? Can it cause the engine to seize up?

No, the engine will not seize up. Ceramic metal coating is a self-regulating process, where the friction between the contacting surfaces is the necessary condition for it. When the coating is formed, the friction is reduced drastically and the growth of the surface stops.

  1. A hard surface is formed as a result of the Nano Energizer’s application. Can the engine be rebored, if necessary?

This is a common question from car owners, and we would like to set their minds at ease. The ceramic metal coating is formed to a depth of 10–30 microns, and the boring tool can remove tenths of a mm. Also, the traditional major engine overhaul can become unnecessary altogether; the Nano Energizer’s exceptional ability to restore the original shape of worn parts allows car owners to avoid tedious and expensive repairs.

  1. What if the ceramic metal layer peels off in operation?

It is not possible for the ceramic metal layer to peel off in operation. A reciprocal diffusion of metal and metal carbides to the depth of 10–30 μm (micrometer) takes place. There is no distinct border between the initial surfaces and the ceramic metal layer, so there are no conditions for the ceramic metal layer to “peel-off”.

  1. I’ve heard that aftermarket additives are clogging up filters…Does Nano Energizer do the same?

No. Nano Energizer easily dissolves in oil leaving its viscosity and other physicochemical properties unchanged. It easily goes through the filter elements directly to the working friction surfaces.

  1. I am going to apply Nano Energizer to my new car, but it is under the warranty…

We stick to the emphatic opinion that it is best to apply the Nano Energizer compound to the engine during the breaking- in period. The application of the Nano Energizer is especially efficient when engine parts are new. Due to the Nano Energizer effect the breaking-in goes quicker, softer, more efficiently and almost without losses of metal into “boring”.

  1. What is implied under the protection guarantee for 50,000 km of run?

It is implied that the surfaces will not wear out during the guarantee term provided the car is operated in a regular mode. For example, should a scratch appear on the cylinder wall on the 49th thousand of the run, it would disappear due to the Nano Energizer’s high restoring properties. The scratch will “heal!”

  1. When is it best to start the application of the Nano Energizer?

Nano Energizer is effective at any stage of car operation and is always useful. The most important thing is that the unit must be in an operative state. Ideally, the Nano Energizer should be applied from the breaking-in period on.

  1. What happens to the honing by Nano Energizer’s application?

Honing is designed to provide relatively safe adjustment of parts and to hold oil on the cylinder walls.

Nano Energizer modifies honing in the areas of the most intensive adjustment (cylinder-piston group near the top dead point) and preserves it unchanged in the unloaded zones.

  1. Can I drive without oil if I use Nano Energizer?

No. Driving without oil is only a spectacular test that demonstrates the unique properties of the ceramic metal coating. The Nano Energizer has not been designed for driving without oil; only for the increase of the operational life and reliability of car parts.

Oil is not just a lubricant. It also washes, cools, works as a hydraulic fluid by operation of hydraulic lifters, and provides other functions. Oil is necessary even for the car that has undergone the full ceramic metal coating cycle. However, under extreme conditions such as loss of oil or driving with a perforated housing, the Nano Energizer will provide reliable protection for your car.

  1. How long does the Nano Energizer’s effect last?

Tests show that the protective coating remains even after 50,000 km of run. After 50,000 km it is advisable to repeat the ceramic metal coating cycle. To support the surface restoring potential at the highest level it is strongly recommended to use it after  every 50,000 km run.

  1. What kind of oil is the best for treatment: old or new, synthetic or mineral?

It makes no difference because Nano Energizer is compatible with any type of oil. It does not chemically react with them and does not change their viscosity, physicochemical or operational properties. The oil only carries the Nano Energizer to the friction surfaces.

  1. I am the second owner; I have no idea what kind of oil was used in the engine. Can I use Nano Energizer?

Even if some additives have been applied to the engine earlier, they will not cause much effect on the Nano Energizers’ action.

  1. Won’t the additive settle in the bottom of the oil pan and lose its efficiency if the car is not used for a long period of time?

No, Nano Energizer will not settle. After Nano Energizer’s application, the engine should idle from 2 to 5 minutes. At this time the Nano Energizer will completely dissolve in oil, even if the mechanism has not been used for a long period of time.

  1. While idling, the oil pressure indicator blinks. Will the Nano Energizer help?

There are many reasons for reduced oil pressure, ranging from a failure of the sensor to serious wear of the oil pump, bushings or crankshaft journals. If the wear is not complete, Nano Energizer will help.

  1. Will Nano Energizer help in case of increased oil consumption?

There are still more reasons for increased oil consumption, such as wear of parts in the cylinder or -piston group, bedding, gumming-up or breakage of the piston rings, valve stem seal failure, or oil-leaking through seals or PCV system failure, etc.. If the reason is wear, Nano Energizer will help.

  1. How can fuel economy be reached?

For cars with high mileage, the fuel economy is first reached by the engine’s wear compensation and reconditioning of its operating parameters to their default values. On a new engine, the optimization of the interfacings and reduction of friction losses will help you cut down the expenses down the road.

  1. While undergoing maintenance, there is a high measurement of toxicity in exhaust gases in my car. Will Nano Energizer help?

Increased emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere could be due to the quality of the fuel used, adjustment and operation of the fuel outfit. The most frequent reason for harmful emissions is engine wear. In this case, Nano Energizer will definitely help. The application of Nano Energizer reduces the emission index by nine times and some parameters by a hundred times.

  1. How will I feel the effect of Nano Energizer on my car?

The driver will feel an increase in engine power, acceleration, flexibility and change in the sound of the engine operating in different modes. Drivers will notice improvements after a 500–1000 km run from the product’s application.

These improvements are the result of Nano Energizer’s restoring effect, as it increases and equalizes compression in cylinders.

  1. Will Ceramic metal coating help any engine?

Yes, all kinds of engines can be improved with ceramic metal coating, as long as the engine is operative. Whether the engine is gasoline, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), diesel, biofuel, along with high-powered ones, with direct injection, multivalve, or equipped with turbo-charger, Nano Energizer will help.

In order for the protective ceramic metal coating to be formed, the engine must be in an operable state.

The check parameters, which can measure the engine’s operating capacity, are compression and fuel consumption. The decrease of compression for 20–25% – from the nominal parameters, its dispersion on cylinders by more than 1.5 unit (atm) and/or the oil consumption more than 0.4–0.6% from the fuel consumption can indicate the critical condition of an engine.

Examples of the critical condition of an engine:

  1. The rated value of the compression in the engine is 14 units (atm). The value of the compression in one of cylinders is 10,5 and less units (atm) or the compression is 11 and 13 units (atm).
  2. The fuel consumption in the engine is 10 l for 100 km with oil consumption of 800 ml for 1000 km and more.

Critical condition of an engine is indicated by 100% wear of its parts (parts are damaged)

Nano Energizer shows its restoring effect even when the engine is in critical condition. However, in this case, the full restoration of the engine’s operational parameters to original values may not occur.

  1. When is it recommended to use Nano Energizer? Does Nano Energizer treat the whole engine?

Nano Energizer can be applied anytime to restore the engine. All metallic parts surface wear is treated with Nano Energizer.

  1. Does Nano Energizer damage the turbine?

No, Nano Energizer protects the turbine and extends its operation life. The turbine is designed in such a way that its journal bearings are lubricated with a relatively thick oil coating, hydrodynamic lubrication mode, in practically all operational modes. The main wear of a bearing occurs at start and stop, when this coating is disturbed. Nano Energizer comes into full action exactly during this moment of highest wear for the turbine moment, forming a protective coating on the bearings.

  1. I have the “Common Rail” injection system, diesel engine CRDi. Has Nano Energizer been tested for use in these engines?

Yes, it has been tested, and regularly undergoes testing for new constructive innovations. Modern systems of diesel engine fuel lines with the high-pressure generation, such as “Common Rail” and “Pumpe-Düse” (pump-injector) types, have plunger pumps where the plunger and sleeve wear the most. There are no technical restrictions in applying Nano Energizer to these fuel supply systems. The coating formed on the plunger’s surface provides protection for the complex mechanism from low-quality fuel, that can contain mechanical fouling or water, and from fuel with bad lubricating properties. This includes nonsulfurous fuel, or “dry solar oil”, biofuel with a high ethanol concentration.

  1. If the gear box is droning, will Nano Energizer help?

There are two main reasons for the increased noise from transmission mechanisms. Droning can occur gradually, as it is connected with the wear of gear teeth, bearings and shafts. Nano Energizer always helps in such instances. However, sometimes the gear box drones from the beginning of its operation as a result of production deficiency, causing problems in the gear teeth changeover or causing the teeth to come together too tightly. Nano Energizer will work in this case too, but if the deficiencies are substantial, the noise may not disappear.

  1. How can gear shifting precision be improved?

The Gear shifting provision can be improved with a new coating formation. The distinguishing feature of Nano Energizer is to form a protective coating not only on the ferrous materials, but on the nonferrous metals as well. This is especially evident on the synchronizers, which are manufactured from bronze alloys, or nonferrous metals, and are responsible for gear shifting.

  1. Shall we use Nano Energizer with modern robotized gearboxes, mechanical and automatic gearboxes?

Robotized gearboxes and gearboxes with dual clutch, or dual clutch transmission, are improved automatic gearboxes. Nano Energizer is recommended to use for all gearboxes and reducers even for modern mechanical gearboxes, where liquid for automatic gearboxes (ATF) is used.

  1. Will Nano Energizer harm the performance of friction clutches in self-locking differentials?

No, it won’t. Nano Energizer can be used without any hesitation in axles with self-locking differentials. The assembly is designed in such a way that the torque transfer of the friction clutches occurs through the oil and depends on its viscosity. Nano Energizer has no effect on the viscosity properties of oil.

  1. The automatic gearboxes (CVT) with the V-belt variable speed drive unit differ in their capriciousness. Will Nano Energizer help?

Yes, it will. The weak point of the variable speed drive units is the contact of the wedge-like surface of the belt with the pulley, and it is this contact that is effectively protected by Nano Energizer. Nano Energizer also protects other metal parts such as gears, bearings and couplings.

  1. My scooter has separate oiling system. Where should I put Nano Energizer , in the oil or in fuel?

During the treatment of the four-cycle internal combustion engine, the Nano Energizer is applied directly to the oiling system of an engine.

Scooters with two-cycle engines can have separate and mixed oiling system.

During the treatment of the two-cycle engine with the separate oiling system, Nano Energizer is added into the oil tank of the scooter. In scooters with a mixed oiling system the Nano Energizer, after first being dissolved in the small amount of the oil, is applied directly to the fuel tank.

  1. Doesn’t good synthetic oil already contains all necessary additives?

Manufacturers tend to minimize their costs and make the product cheaper, and motor oil is no different. Additive packages are enough to correspond to the minimal obligatory requirements, but not a grain more.

  1. Do car manufacturers recommend the use of the additional additives?

The modern car is the epitome of engineering and technological advances. However, the constant change of the model line-up limits the life span of the engine as parts are only manufactured for a certain amount of time. Our day-to-day realities such as fuel quality and road surfaces are not taken into account when the car is designed. Nano Energizer helps to increase the service life of a car and increases safety and reliability to the parts.

  1. Is Nano Energizer toxic?

No, it is not. All products have sanitary allowance for application in the food industry and are hygienically certified.

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